Support and partnerships
Fresh works in partnership across our region, nationally and internationally to energise and galvanise efforts to address the harm of tobacco and reduce smoking rates to 5% by 2030.
But we also recognise that smoking rates will likely still be higher in some groups which will worsen health inequalities – it is vital therefore that we strive for a totally smokefree future as set out in our regional Declaration for a Smokefree Future.
We follow and share the evidence on effective working and provide leadership, strategic and practical support to a wide range of partners, professionals and localities in the North East and beyond.
We offer our stakeholders professional support through well-established Forums to discuss latest issues, information and best practice across a variety of topics and key policy areas.
We also host a range of forums for local and regional partners:
- Fresh Local Tobacco Control Network: for local authority tobacco leads to share best practice
- Fresh Tobacco Regulation Forum: a forum for trading standards, environmental health, local authority tobacco control leads and the police.
We also support advice and guidance to the Association of Directors of Public Health North East Tobacco Commissioners Forum coordinated by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
Fresh also plays a supporting expert role with our local partners in contributing to local discussions and evidence based planning.