Balance response to latest ONS alcohol specific deaths figures 2023
Balance has responded to the latest ONS alcohol specific deaths figures. Sue Taylor, Head of Alcohol Policy for Balance said:
“It is absolutely tragic to see the new alcohol specific deaths figures, with the worst rates again here in the North East.
Our region lost 689 lives directly to alcohol in 2023 and behind the harrowing statistics of illness, death and hospital admissions, are grieving families and communities, torn apart by alcohol harms.
We have seen a huge increase in alcohol deaths since the pandemic and due to multiple factors, such as deprivation and co-morbidities, the North East has suffered disproportionately.
The average age from an alcohol death is 54 and alongside the devastating personal toll, we are seeing a huge strain on our frontline services and economic productivity as a result of alcohol harms.
In spite of excellent partnership working to reduce alcohol harms within the region, we urgently need action at a national level to turn the tide – measures which reduce the affordability, availability and promotion of alcohol are hugely effective and cost effective at reducing alcohol harm and ours is the region which would benefit most from an evidence-based national approach to alcohol harm reduction.
For the Government’s Growth and Health missions to succeed, we urgently need a national alcohol strategy which prioritises prevention and which helps to prevent more families from the devastation of losing their loved ones in the future.”